The NRF24L01+  is a small, low-cost 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver Module that is useful in a wide variety of situations. It is a commonly used module with a lot of Arduino support!

Maximum operating speeds up to 2Mbps, GFSK modulation efficiency, Anti-interference ability, Particularly suitable for industrial control applications.

125 Channels, Multi-point communication and frequency hopping to meet the communication needs

Built-in hardware CRC error detection, Multipoint communication address control.

Low-power 1.9 ~ 3.6V, only 1uA on Power down mode

Built-in 2.4Ghz antenna

Standard DIP Pitch Interface for embedded applications

Size: 29mm X 15.5mm X 4.6mm

NOTE: You must connect these modules to a 3.3V supply, do not use 5V! (The data lines are 5V tolerant, however)

Read here for more information on interfacing with your Arduino:
